Laura Motes – Healthy Living and Sleep

As someone who has worked as a police officer, Laura Motes knows about the importance of being focused and getting enough sleep.

Sleeping is the most important source of recovery and energy for humans after breathing and eating. The vast majority of people today are sleep deprived, yet very few of them are aware of how drastically inadequate sleep influences the levels of their performance and engagement, both in their professional and personal lives.
Even small amounts of sleep deficit have a powerful effect on our physical energy, strength, cardiovascular system, and mood. Over fifty studies have shown that memory, analytical reasoning capabilities, reaction time, and concentration all decrease steadily when sleep deficit goes up.

Laura Motes
Laura Motes

Sleep needs vary by occupation, age, gender and genetics, but the overall consensus of scientists is that the average human being needs seven to eight hours of sleep a night to function well.

The specific time of sleep also affects health, energy levels and performance capabilities. Shift workers that work night shifts have twice the number of accidents while driving their cars compared to day workers. The number of accidents that occur during night shifts are also considerably higher compared to daytime accidents.

Sleeping is also the time when significant growth and repair of our bodies occurs. During sleep, cell division is very active. Repair enzymes and growth hormones are released into our bodies so that muscles can regenerate. We rest and grow during the periods of our deepest sleep.

This is why sleep is so important for people who, like Laura Motes, always need to be focused on their jobs.