Laura Motes – Healthy Living and Mental Energy

Laura Motes worked as a police officer for twenty-one years, and she knows firsthand how important it is for police officers to always stay focused and alert.

Physical energy is not only the fundamental fuel for our physical activities and emotional well-being, but also fuels our mental skills. To perform at our best, be it concentrating on a task at work or focusing on listening when talking to a loved one, we absolutely need to be able to sustain mental concentration. At the same time, we need to see the world around us the way it is. We need to be realists, and at the same time have an optimistic view of things. Our mental energy provides us with all of these abilities.

Laura Motes

The best tools that strengthen mental energy and mental capacity are visualization, mental preparation and rehearsal, positive self-talk, and creativity.

Mental energy needs a balance between energy spending and recovery, just like physical and emotional capacities do. If you lack the mental muscles that you need for performance, for example if you have too short of an attention span, the way to cope with it is similar to what you would do when you want to grow your physical muscles. You need to build your capacity to focus by regularly exercising this mental muscle.

Physical, emotional, and mental energy are all interconnected and feed off one another. This is why paying attention to all them is so important, especially if your profession demands all three of them. For example, if you are a police officer like Laura Motes, then you need to be physically fit, emotionally stable, and mentally focused at all times.